Post by hewhostandsalone on May 29, 2008 21:26:48 GMT -5
Hey there everyone. I'm from one of the places that "The Dash" advertised on. I'd been looking for a good KH RP for quite a while now, so this was a good find for me. I looks like this place is lacking a bit in the active members department. I hope I can help out there.
Glad to be here.
On a side note, you can call me Chris when talking in the Cbox.
The Dash
Look, Im The Dash!
Posts: 43
Post by The Dash on May 30, 2008 15:09:31 GMT -5
Well hello there Reks, and welcome to the world of Kingdom Hearts: The Timeskip. I hope you enjoy the site. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will be glad to help you with it.